
Sunday, December 21, 2008

ling's sister wedding dinner (30-5-2008)

quite an old event le .... but now only free to upload it .... haha ....

after went to this dinner, i realised that girls really do spend lots of time on preparing our look before dare to show .... haha ....

we already spare about 2 hours before the dinner start but still not enough time n still being late at the end .... the most embarrassing is we are later than the organizer n need all waitings for our attend .... really so paise !!

as mention before, my geng so addicted on being star ... haha ... sure won't give up any chances to taking as mush as photo as we could .... haha

after the dinner , we went to "xing zuo cafe" chatting .... quite a nice place where design with comfortable sofa .... but .... the cafe was shut down already !!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

supper ....

so enjoy having supper recently -- mamak, kfc, mc ...... hahahaha .... getting fat n fatter le!!

before this i seldom take supper de, althought i m hungry, i also will try to control myself n there also no one do go supper with me at night ....haha .... but now living with my new housemate, some of them always ignore dinner n wait until late night only claim for hungry n date us go supper .... haiz ..... only for last month, we went supper for forth times le ..... we really so geng de .... hahahaha ....

now i m abit hungry le cause i having night class just now n went out early so do not take dinner!! .... after came back from school, thought want date my housemate go supper de, but so no luck that they all full full liao n need keep fit le, so do not want go with me. i not used to have meal at outside alone so now have to keep reminding myself that i m not hungry de, i do not want eat supper de ..... !!!

i noticed that i can not eat supper de, even once also ..... cause after i eat once, then i ll keep continue claim hungry at late night de ..... n i m already fat liao de la, if keep continue eating, then sure will become more more n more fat de le ..... that time, i worry that my family also can not recognise me le ..... haha .... so have to be more self diciplined ..... do not be spoilt!!! hehe ....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

bad mood ....

so bad mood .... this morning when i try to pour some hot water into my bottle n preparing going to class, i acccidently pour the water on my finger, they immediately become red n now suffer in pain!! not only that, when i was in class, i keep disturbed by my coursemate who sit beside me, really feel like want "k" her la!!!! ....... i hate people keep on asking me question when i m doing my things or when i m trying hard to pay attention in classes. i do not mind if anyone want ask question, but please be smart, do not choose the wrong or unsuitable timing ar! we all also in the same class n we all also having same lecturer, what they heard also same with what i m heard ar, why can't they just pay more attention in class n if have any question, just ask the lecturer in class n not keep asking or disturbing the one's who sit beside. wonldn't they know it is rude n no manner to do so?!! ..... althought sometime will not understand or being confuse on what lecturer tough, but just try to read throught few times, or just try to be more independent, try to find out yourself, n not just keep asking people without putting any effort on it. must learn to be understanding, try to think of others people situation or feelings, can not everythings also for we own good ....... moreover, please do not always copying people's notes la, just try to get your own notes. sometime i will use some specific ways to joke down the points in classes n i not have wont to let people see it. i m woundn't mind if you ask me to explain but please do not keep take note on what i m write, there are just some point which help me to undertsand n you can just get your own ways also arr, not everythings also need copy de!! mines one not 100% accurate arr, i also just use my way to explain only .... if you keep taking note on what i m writing, it will bring me pressure n i will feel uncomfortable n unconfident to write anythings more, so ...... please please please, do not too depend on my notes la, i m also is a student like you all arr .... just pay more attention in class la ... don't just copying copying n copying, what use??!?? ...... n please be undertsand that this behaviour will affect the one who sit beside. if u not reli want to learn or not reli have interest on this then ok, but please try to give chances for others who interest ......

Thursday, July 31, 2008

sorry ... i can't accept .... !!

on my birthday, i receive a present which very surprising me: a teddy bear holding a bouquet of flower !! this is the 1st time i receive flower in my 22 years n i suppose to be happy but in fact, i din't ..... i really felt sorry for that friend cause i keep on reject to meet with him n the present also is i request my friend to accept for me de!! ..... i knew that guy for almost 6 years when i joined school reporter in secondary school n before this, we seldom contact each other. so as for me, we are just very very very normal friend!!! until i get into uni, somethings get different, sometime he'll date me out but normally i also reject cause i scare to go out with someone who is abit silent or someone i do not have topic to chat to ..... but, i think he didn't give up for that !!!

until oneday, he ask about my status n said willing to "want" me?!?! ..... what ?!?!? .... i get shocked, i just ignore what he said n treat it as a joke!! i know i should keep a distance withe him le cause i do not want give him any unreality hope n i do not hope there's any misunderstood. besides, i also try to hint to suggest that i m not suitable to him but i do not think its work since he still sent me that present ..... haiz!! .... maybe i really should straight forward with him, just ask him not to waste time on me le, i really not suitable for him n he also not my cup of tea .... i really thanks n appreciate what he did to me but i only can say sorry!! .... sure he will meet his mrs right soon !! .....

actually, there's someone in my heart le. althought that guy getting less n less contact with me n maybe he does not interest on me anymore le, but ..... i just can't let go him!! at least for now, he still always in my mind ..... maybe i should have some more time to agree that that guy does not like me, spend some more time learn to let go ........ maybe it is time for me learn to accept the truth, althought its hurt!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

- 马六甲 (03 Jun 2008 - 05 Jun 2008) -

近这几年,我们一班好友平均每年都会抽出几天的时间到金马仑去渡假,今年也不例外。在这五、六月的假期里,除了办成长营外,还有就是我最期待的三天两夜马六甲之旅,也是我最珍惜与好友们相聚的时刻!我们这班好友共有八个的,但慧桦人在英国、宜翎和元瑜有上课,所以剩下我们几个及晓雯的男友参与这次的旅行。如果没错的话,这是我们第一次到马六甲A FAMOSA,大家都很期待及兴奋!

我们在怡保的一间旅游公司定RM108 的配套,其中有包括WATER WORLD ,COWBOY TOWN和ANIMAL SAFARI WORLD的入场券、住一晚APARTMENT及早餐。整体来说,这是一个蛮划算的配套,但唯一不好的是,我们得自己找交通到A FAMOSA。。。。

由于从怡保直到马六甲巴士时间的选择是有限的,无法配合我们所安排的行程。所以,我们决定乘搭早上六点半的巴士到KL,然后才转巴士到马六甲。可能是因为前一晚刚结束成长营不够休息的关系吧,路途上大部分的时间,我都用在补充睡眠。。。。大约五小时左右,我们在一个算是马六甲郊外的城镇下车,然后乘搭TEKSI去A FAMOSA。A FAMOSA犹如一个小镇般,很大很大哦,而且还有大自然的FEEL!如果里头没有提供巴士服务,要在里头走动是非常不便的。。。。。。

离CHECK IN还有很长的时间,所以我们先到WATER WORLD玩水!那儿还蛮多人的,有一家人的、有学校团体的、有背包旅行的、有旅行团的。。。。。等待入场的时,我们看见‘小丑’和‘娃娃人’,好可爱哦,特别是‘娃娃人’逗小孩子的动作。过后,我们好像大小孩般,每人轮流跟他们合照。。。每人摆着不同搞笑的POSE,而‘小丑’及‘娃娃人’也很配合我们,摆上不同的POSE拍照,大伙都被逗得乐透了。。。。。

进场换过衣服,我们把所有的行李都挤进三个中等的储存柜。还蛮贵的,一个约RM6 ,而且一旦锁上了,除非打算离开,否则就不能再开。。。。。整理完毕,大家开始投入水的世界。。。。哈哈!!当然,我们也没忘记拍照啦 。。。。 。看到一片蓝蓝的水,感觉真的很好,心情变得很轻松自在的,让人有股冲动把身体全浸入水里去!


yeah ....我成功了。。。。(虽然还是有少许的淹到啦。。)我没事!!但感觉怪怪的,总觉得好像有人望着。。。。。。上岸后,真的很丢脸,因为我们被告知这游戏是给‘小孩子’玩的。。。。难怪有人望着我们啦 :P


以前,我偶尔会与家人到瀑布玩,但长大后,就很少去了。。。所以,当我看到瀑布时,我就很高兴,因为它让我回想起小时候的快乐时光 (",)

这水道是让人坐在TUBE上,绕游WATER WORLD的。。。。。。虽然我们没有TUBE,但我们有11 BUS。。。。哈哈!!

突然下大雨,更换室已挤满了人群,我们只好全身湿湿的拿着行李去CHECK IN ,每个人都很狼狈哦。。。。。。。当时,大家真的又冷又饿的。。。。。。
由于CHECK IN的手续出了少许状况,导致我们等了约一小时才能拿到房间休息。。。。。还好,我们的APARTMENT很大间,里头有三间双人床的房间,两间更洗室,客厅及小厨房。而且,有露台让我们欣赏风景。。。。。。我们的等待还算是值得的。。。就原谅他们吧!!
吃过晚餐,我们便出发到COWBOY TOWN。。。。。。。



我们在COWBOY TOWN逗留了约三小时左右,就回APARTMENT休息。这一晚,睡得很甜,大家都玩累了,要养足精神,明天再继续我们的行程!!
隔天,我们收拾好行李用过早餐后,便到ANIMAL SAFARI WORLD。。。。那儿的入口处有只大象,它应该有一定的年纪了。开始时,我不敢摸它,因为它身型太庞大了,而且还不断的摆动身躯,但。。。。。。最后,我还是摸了(是别人拉着我的手迫我摸的。。嘻嘻!)它的皮好粗好粗哦,还蛮厚的哦。。。。

不同的时间,有不同的表演,我们错过了大象表演,但还好赶上MIX ANIMAL SHOW和COWBOY SHOW。。。。

COWBOY SHOW结束后,我们像小FANS般涌向舞台与“COWBOY”们合照。如果没错,他们是泰国华侨,他们会少少的华语。他们都和NICE的,也很风趣。。。。摆各式各样的POSE跟我们合照!!


最后,我们乘船到MONKEY ISLAND去!原本大家都坐在船的前方欣赏风景的,但突然脚下湿湿的,看见湖里的水不断涌上船上,大家都慌了,担心船只是否会沉。。。。。驾船的人见状,连忙吩咐我们坐近引擎的地方,船只才不至于继续往下沉!!

中午,我们便离开A FAMOSA到马六甲市中心去。我们事前没预订旅店,但真是‘出门遇贵人’。我们遇到一位MR LEE,他是经营旅店的,刚巧还剩一间房间。不但如此,他真的很好人,他载我们到旅店,还介绍道地小食给我们。。。。。。放下行李后,我们去吃SATAY CELUP,晚上还去附近MAMAK店YAM CHA。。。。。哈哈!!


好大的船哦,很有那些海盗船的味道。。。。进入船内是要收费的,但我们不知道,却在旁边的小门爬进去拍照了。。。。真的不好意思!幸亏没人发现 :P

